Why Does Your Company Exist?

Why Does Your Company Exist?

Dan Hesse, the CEO of Sprint, is back making commercials for his company.  In the latest version, he is doing more of what he did in previous ads – selling on price.  The top guy in the company, the big boss, numero uno, looks straight into the camera and tells you Sprint’s latest calling plan is better than the competition’s. That’s what the most senior person in the company wants us to know about his company – they’re cheap.

On the opposite side of the spectrum is Phil Knight, the charismatic founder and former CEO of Nike. Knight was the keynote speaker at a conference and, like the CEO of Sprint, he too made a case for why you should choose Nike over the competition.  But Knight took a different approach.  He didn’t say what Nike does or how they are better.  And he certainly didn’t attempt to differentiate the company based on price.  Instead, he told a story that explains Why Nike exists.

Looking across the audience, Knight asked those who run to stand up.  And a good percentage of the room stood up.  Then he asked those who run three or more times a week to keep standing; everyone else was asked to sit down. Continue reading Why Does Your Company Exist?


Ok, whatever you are doing stop…I mean it! STOP right now!!!!

I have a question for you!

Do you know WHY you are doing what you are doing…what I mean is, have you taken the time to dig deep and understand WHY your company even exists? What is its purpose and why anyone should care?

A couple of weeks ago I was sent a YouTube video. I get sent a bunch every week by clients and prospects..Hey James check this out it’s right up your alley or James, saw this and thought of you (I tend not to open those for fear of what may be inside). Continue reading START WITH WHY