Is It Worth The RISK?

START being wrong and suddenly anything is possible!

You are no longer trying to be infallible.

You are in the unknown! There is no way of knowing what can happen, but there is more chance of it being amazing than if you try to be right.

Of course, being wrong is a risk.

People worry about suggesting stupid ideas because of what others will think. You will have been in meetings where new thinking has been called for, at your original suggestion.

Instead of saying, “that’s kind of suggestion that leads us to a novel solution’, the room goes quit, they look up to the ceiling, roll their eyes and return to the discussion.

Risks are a measure of people.

People who want take them are trying to preserve what they are.

People who do take them often end up with having more.

Some risks have a future, and some people call them wrong. But being right may be walking backwards proving where you have been.

Being wrong isn’t in the future or the past.

Being wrong isn’t anywhere but being here.

Best place to be, eh?