Be A Change Agent and Stand Out From The Crowd!

I wanted to tell you a short story but one that really connected with me. If you have been tracking our blog you will remember our postings on “Start with Why” and “Why Does Your Company Exist”?

A couple of months ago I was having dinner with a good friend of mine and I asked him WHY he did what he did?  You see, I have been on this kick lately, of trying to get business owners to figure out their WHY statement, their purpose or belief in doing what they do?

Now, my friend is a really smart guy! And the business he is in is that of Home Remodeling! Pretty simple concept…or so I thought!

Anyway, after about 15 minutes of going back and forth on this question of WHY, I said, look let’s cut to the chase, there is a much bigger reason you do what you do so don’t sugar coat it, be authentic to yourself!

He looked at me and said “James, honestly, my industry has such a bad reputation for poor craftsmanship, late delivery, running over budget and time and worst of all, a “could care less” attitude! I got sick of it, so I decided to become a CHANGE AGENT for my industry!”  Now I know that’s often an overused word, but, when you sit and Talk to Cory about his business, his industry and more importantly, his clients, It is easy to see the passion that drives him to do what he does. Continue reading Be A Change Agent and Stand Out From The Crowd!