Great Strategy + Poor Execution = Failure

You have been in a room with your team for 4 days straight!  Core values are agreed upon, business purpose has never been clearer, the BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is HUGE and the revenue goals for the next 5 years are engrained in every ones minds. You all ‘high five’ each other for a great weeks work and then you leave!

Fast forward 18 months. Revenues are flat lining, clients are leaving, employee moral is down and margins are taking a hit due to increased expenses. What happened? All was good at the end of the planning session….wasn’t it?

The issue, as with most strategic plans, is in the execution. There is little or no point to strategic planning if you are going to take your eye off the ball when it comes to executing what has been agreed. So, what should you do? How do you get great execution?  Having a good execution systems are critical if you want to reap the rewards of all the hard work you and your team have put in and there seems to be commonality between the  great performers and every one else.

4 areas to stay focused on. Continue reading Great Strategy + Poor Execution = Failure