Are you after BIG game or just a snack?

A former world leader once used an analogy in which he regarded himself as a lion, the head of the pride, no less, and all the issues he ever faced, as either “antelope” or “chipmunks”. Even when a lion is dying of hunger, he will give cheese to any of the many small animals, like chipmunks, which gambol nearby, offering a quick and easy snack. Why? Even if you need the efforts and caught one, there is always an outside chance he’d fail; it simply wouldn’t satisfy him.

However, when weakened by hunger to the extent that he can hardly move, when an “antelope” shimmers into few miles away across open plains, the state moves the lion into action. In spite of being so weekend that he knows a failed effort could be the end of him, the lion commits to the hunt. If there’s even a slight chance of success, he’ll give his all because success will fill his belly for weeks to come. The greater reward is what has all. Thus, he begins the long process of focused effort, which he clearly envisions will end in a successful kill.

A single–minded focus upon a clearly defined antelope is what also characterizes most successful business people.

Have you identified your antelope? Do you hunt them every day at the expense of less satisfying chipmunks? Look out across your plains and spot your own antelope.

– Think about your life or your business and write down what you’d like to achieve. Would you like to drive your company sales up to 10 million or $1 billion? write a book? Hike through the Himalayas? On a single piece of paper, write down everything you’d ever like to achieve.

– Identify the one item on your list you most want to achieve. This is your 1st antelope, shimmering in the heat of day, miles out on the plane of your life.

– Focus on this 1st antelope. Build a clear picture of it in your mind. How will you feel when you catch it? How will it change your life? What will your love won’t see? Get a clear mental picture of exactly how the end of a successful hunt will feel. See it in full:, food detail. As you say your 1st antelope and begin the process of throwing your whole self into and all–or–nothing hunt, you are going to need the energy to keep you in the hunt, even when things become difficult. That energy is passion. Fuel your passion. Review the mental picture you’ve dealt and capture on paper all of the benefits you’ll enjoy it once you’ve run this beauty to ground. Describe every benefit in detail. The more benefits you record, the greater the passion you bring to the hunt.

– If it were easy to catch antelope, we would all dine on Venison and the daily! At least would enjoy the benefits of achieving major goals daily. Life simply isn’t that easy. Obstacles always seem to get in the way. So now, write down every obstacle that comes to mind. What’s going to stop you from bringing down your antelope? Work out precisely how you deal with each obstacle. From a clear strategy to deal with every pitfall you can’t predict doing so will enhance your confidence and vision.

– Set clear deadlines in writing. Think about the various stages of a successful hunt. What must you do first? How much time will you need? What has to happen next, and when will the next stage be complete? Work your way through all of the stages of a successful hunt. Your target deadline is the date when the last stage of your hunt is complete.

– Now do it again. Go back to your left and find another antelope and work it down to the deadline stage. Don’t pick a whole herd. Simply find one or 2 prime candidates. As you complete one hunt, you can move on to a new one.

– Finally, on an index card note all your antelope as succinctly as you can including your deadlines. Once they are written, see if you can refine them. Make them even sharper and more compelling. Keep this information in sight at all times. Read it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. As you start day, ensure that you have scheduled some actions to take you closer to your antelope. No day should go by without moving you closer to one or all of them.

The 5 Roadblocks To Success (and how to overcome them!)

How many times have you looked at your career, your life or your business and  wondered  “How the hell did I get here”?

It may surprise you to learn that we can actually condense everything that is blocking us from getting to the level of success that we want into only 5 areas.  And, if we recognize them in us, we can actually begin to take the appropriate actions that will help us move forward.

roadblock to success

1. Clarity  of our longer term goal:  It is extremely difficult to do anything unless we are really clear on where we are going.  You wouldn’t jump on a plane unless you were clear on your destination, right?  Spending time writing down where you would like to be in the next 3-5 years allows you to then envisage where you need to be at 1 year intervals.  As we say “Don’t try to eat the whole elephant at once!”

2. Action Plans:  Once you have clarity on your long term goal or objective, you can begin to create small executable actions that will enable you to make progress. Think of these actions as stepping stones, each one moving you 1% closer to the end.  Many of our clients get into the habit of setting goals for the next 3 months and then breaking them down into weekly achievements – whatever works for you is fine.  Just be careful not to set too many or you will feel overwhelmed and make little progress.

3. Lack of Skill: Whether you’re setting out to change your career, improve your life or take your business in a new direction, upgrading your skills to meet the demands of this ever-changing world is a must.  The days of learning through osmosis, while not dead, is certainly in critical condition!  We set a personally goal of reading at least 1-2 books per month – one of our colleagues reads between 3 and 4 books a month!

4. Optimizing Your Environment: Constant interruptions, not enough time, cramped workspace, untidy workspace, lack of focus, dogs barking, kids screaming and on and on it goes!  Where we work day in and day out, how we work and what we surround ourselves with, all play a vital role in how we achieve success.  Those that can stay focused when there is turmoil all around, are very few and far between.  Look around you – does your daily environment lend itself to you being able to do the things you need to do??  If not, CHANGE IT!

5. Mastering Psychology:  Okay, we admit it, we’re not psychologists!  But when it comes to performance we don’t need to be!  We have seen, witnessed and taken part in all the ways in which ‘WE’ will self sabotage our chances for success.  “How does this manifest itself”?  we hear you ask (if you didn’t, you should have!)

a)  Taking on more than we know we can handle

b)  Believing that a ‘no’ is some kind of personal rejection

c)  Looking at the phone and looking and looking…..

d)  Dipping our toe in rather than jumping in

e)  Believing there is a right time to ask for what you want (there isn’t)

and so on…..

Don’t feel like you are alone.  We all exhibit one or more of these roadblocks at some point.  Our suggestion, put the pedal to the metal and drive right through them!!  Of course, don’t hesitate to contact us for a little help!