Turn Your Business Card Into A Lead Generation Machine

typography-studio-business-cardYour business card is the most often overlooked form of lead generation. In fact, most business owners never even consider the possibility that their business card should be driving prospects to them in droves.

And yet, it can be one of your most versatile lead generation tools for your business’s product or service.

What you need to know…

The key is to create a business card that gets your prospects to take a specific action rather than simply provide boring contact information.

There’s a formula to follow that will help you create powerful business cards that compel your prospects to take a specific action. That formula states that you must Interrupt your prospects (usually done with an attention grabbing headline), Engage them (by promising a solution to the problem the headline presented), Educate them (by providing compelling information that highlights the value you offer) and making them an irresistible Offer (a specific call to action).

The front of the card will look like a fairly typical business card. It contains your logo if you have one, your business’s name, your name and title, and at the bottom is your address with city, state and zip code. However, the last line on the card should be in red type and say… “see opposite side for special offer.” Who can possibly resist turning that card over to find out what that special offer is?

And since most business cards were received from the individual themselves, there is already a certain rapport, relationship or trust level established that increases the likelihood that they will respond to your offer.

Why you need to know this…

Your prospects are literally bombarded with marketing messages today. They basically tune them all out. The business card just described adds a “unique” flavor to the business owner who uses them. The card with the “offer” in red effectively Interrupts them. Then when they turn it over, they see another headline that Engages them by promising to solve a major problem, frustration or concern they tend to experience when doing business with a company like yours.

Since the business card itself isn’t large enough to effectively Educate them on what you do, the Offer must do double duty by educating them about your product or service as well as compelling the prospect to take a specific action. Both of these can be easily accomplished by making the offer an informational offer such as a report, a CD, a DVD, a teleconference call or possibly a webinar.

But consider one additional suggestion. What if a prospect COULD become educated from your business card? With the popularity and easy access to YouTube, try this. Video yourself being “interviewed” about your area of expertise. Just a short two to three minute clip is fine.

On the front of your business card, just below your contact information, insert this wording… “Check out my expertise for yourself!” Then add the video URL for them to enter into their browser. This video should be someone interviewing you “Larry King” style and automatically positions you as an “industry expert.”

But don’t stop there. Create a second video of approximately the same length, and just below the previous wording, insert this phrase… “Here’s how I can help you now!” Add the video URL for this video, and it should be you looking directly into the camera and offering them a compelling reason to take a specific action.

The cost to you if you fail to act…

When your clients can receive compelling information about what you do in a non-threatening way, they are much more likely to respond to your offer and eventually become a client.

So are you using your business card to generate leads?

Do you know how to structure the message on the card so it generates results?

Are you aware that every marketing piece, including your business cards, should always contain what is referred to as “persuasion architecture?”

Do you have the knowledge and skills to effectively create all of this?

All of these suggestions can turn your business card into a lead generation machine.

To take a Test Drive on our system visit http://ImpactMarketingUniversity.com/myguidedtour

To your success,

James Lawson & Angela Inzerillo

Can You Really Explode Your Revenue By 16 Times?

Bathing_in_money1Add up your toiletries in your bathroom, and then count how many of them you use daily. You will discover you use about 20% of them 80% of the time. Your business is no different. 20% of what you do every day at work is producing approximately 80% of your total revenue. That also means that 80% of your daily activities produce only 20% of your total revenue.

What would happen if you could discover WHY 20% of your activities produce so much more revenue… and replace the remaining 80% of your non-productive activities with more activities like the 20%? You would see your revenue skyrocket by a factor of 16.

What you need to know…

If you can perform more of these “productive” activities, your revenue will explode. This explains why the wealthy work less and earn more… and why you need to learn how to work smarter, not harder. So why aren’t you currently performing these so-called “productive” activities?

The answer… you’re NOT doing the things you SHOULD be doing. You’re NOT doing the things that are your highest income-producing activities. It’s these activities that drive the revenue into your business.

Why you need to know this…

Answering the phone, responding to emails, ordering supplies, paying the bills, keeping the books, surfing the internet… are NOT high income-producing activities.

High income-producing activities are things like developing and creating new products or services, improving your current product or service, marketing that new product or service, developing joint venture relationships or affiliate programs, innovating your product or service so that it makes your business unique & superior, acquiring various elements of proof to use in your marketing such as testimonials or research.

These make up your highest income-producing activities… and these are the areas where you need to focus. Some of these you’re good at… you have “unique abilities” that lend themselves to these specific types of activities.

Others, you’re not so good at. The secret is to match them up properly so that you’re constantly performing your unique abilities in the areas that will produce maximum revenue for your business.

The cost to you if you fail to act…

Do you spend most of your day fighting fires instead of completing the vital few activities that will produce the greatest results… and the highest revenue?

Do you know specifically those few things you need to do daily that produce big results? Do you know how to match those few things with your unique abilities?

Do you know how to get rid of the minutiae that’s controlling your everyday activities and taking up your valuable time and energy… and replace that minutiae with the high impact activities that immediately produces income for you and your business?

If you need help working through this process, check out our FREE test drive for the most comprehensive system of marketing tools and resources.

For our FREE 4 Video series on how to create a 10X increase using a lead generation magnet for your business go to Bit.ly/10xleads and start attracting the RIGHT prospects to your business!!

Please remember that at any time you feel ready and qualified to move forward and acquire the professional help that can enable you to build the business of your dreams, just click here and check out our E-Learning Marketing System™. It’s helping small business owners just like you get the answers and the help they need to build the business they have always wanted.

We created the E-Learning Marketing System™ with the perfect combination of online resources, tools and support to get you out of any financial distress you’re presently experiencing… help you get laser-focused on your highest income-producing activities… and help you develop and then apply the fundamentals that build multimillion dollar businesses. click here to see for yourself.

