Tag Archives: insanity

Business Insanity – It’s Everywhere

Everyone who can read will know the famous (or infamous) quote by Thomas Edison that reads “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”.  If that is the case, then why do so many business owners act just like that?  We all want a better life! We all want our businesses to work for us not the other way around and we all want more time to invest with our families and reap the rewards for our efforts!

Why is it then that the vast majority of business owners will continue in 2010 doing the same things, the same way, as they did in 2009 and yet claim that 2010 should be a better year.  If you DON’T change anything in your business, guess what, NOTHING will change in your life either!  Like it or not our businesses and our life are connected.

That being said, the question is what to change and how to change it so it is meaningful. I have never been a big advocate of change for the sake of change but I do believe that taking the time to evaluate (or re-evaluate) your business practices on a regular basis is a must. Unfortunately most business owners just do not have all the skills needed to build, run and grow a business to its full potential, that is why enlisting outside help has no longer become a luxury for most businesses but a necessity. Continue reading Business Insanity – It’s Everywhere